第 273 號: 現代豪華不彎曲

圖為:戶外之聲,從我們致 DNVB CEO 的公開信

2016年11月 ,Lean Luxe的 保羅·芒福德(Paul Munford)為現代奢侈品牌的暴發戶寫了一些經文:重促銷的零售商不會持久。《螺旋式下降》的外賣很少值得一提,因為最近的經濟報告顯示,零售啟示即將結束,這對希望進軍實體零售業的有抱負的DNVB來說是一個重大信號。

屏幕截圖 2018-06-12 上午 10.05.48 .png

我們所處於一個前所未有的零售品牌發佈、合作、收購和重新想像的時代,其中大部分是在線第一的。這就引出了一個問題,贏家和商品的區分是什麼?有早期和永久的決定,決定一個品牌的軌跡。對於每一個 米津- 主要供應部,有一 個國家和自由。對於每一個 戶外的聲音,有一個 班迪爾對於每一個客場,有一個拉登。每個決定都很重要。沒有哪個決定比定價和品牌的促銷傾向更重要。


  • 零售業似乎沒有一種策略那麼容易推出,但沒有任何策略像大幅折扣那樣對零售商的長期前景造成損害。這是一種姑息藥丸:短期內對消費者來說很棒,但最終對企業和購物者都不利。它使品牌商品化,迫使公司在價格上進行差異化。 
  • 第二個問題,也與規模有關,對行業本身是系統性的:需要定期增加越來越多的產品,使市場大量湧出較新的產品,但很少更好。
  • 那麼,折扣的誘惑就變得難以抗拒了。它提供了短期的底線和增長的錯覺,但犧牲了品牌聲譽和可持續利潤 - 利潤兩條重要的動脈,為企業的整體健康。
  • 現代奢侈品公司已經想出了這個公式,而且非常簡單:創造的商品比銷售的要少(如果可能的話,預測銷售率,預購),保持高需求。擁抱等待名單,就像埃弗蘭、格洛西耶、卡拉和阿拉拉等人經常做的一樣。 
  • 從不打折:保持品牌的地位。然而,如果產品標準低於標準,這些策略肯定不起作用,或者至少在很長一段時間內是行不通的。
  • 例如,愛馬仕因從不降價而臭名昭著。因此,其產品享有盛譽,而且無論產品多麼輕浮,總有需求。而且他們當然沒有超越消費者奉獻精神的極限:它甚至重新包裝其切割地板皮革廢料,作為高價禮品盒出售。
  • 反對折扣來自新興現代奢侈品行業的創始人,這並非巧合。其一,它顯示了對這一群體迅速出名的產品的冷靜自信。 
  • 至於Preysman先生,全價咒語融入了他的使命,即不斷改進產品,使產品變得更好,並根據品牌的標準推動產品越來越完美。
  • 令人驚訝的是,拒絕折扣也相當以消費者為中心。當然,永遠明智的本·佛蘭克林在提出這一觀點時說得最好:"在忘記低價的甜頭之後,品質低劣的苦澀依然存在。
  • 它需要卓越的成熟度和大量的彈性,以對抗臨時折扣提升的衝動,而犧牲了維護長期聲譽。 

成熟、耐心、堅韌,或許還有暫時的貧困,是發展那些能夠與古老傳說和激烈(但希望是友好的)競爭對手競爭的品牌類型的關鍵。2013 年,布魯克斯兄弟為《紐約時報》評論了米津 – 美因對襯衫行業的影響:




我們足夠大了, 記得布魯克斯兄弟嘲笑表演男裝的時候: https://t.co/5hBzcUHAEx https://t.co/xCN29dVk81

我記得那篇文章在 2013 年 12 月 18 日擊中報攤的喜悅。不是因為它會提供惡名,而是因為它已經超過一年半,我們真的需要銷售。我們堅持我們的價格,而我們建立效忠和凱文狂熱地工作,以改善產品。 公司堅持了。 拉維爾和球隊今天所做的簡直太壯觀了。它允許該品牌與發明馬球衫的公司站在同一個俱樂部和相同的球場上(對不起,拉爾夫)。

為了實現成長和長壽,品牌不能被視為一種軟技能。價格不能被視為任意操縱的數位。必須始終考慮這五種力量。耐心必須是至高無上的,因為偉大的品牌起步緩慢。在現代豪華 DNVB 的時代,這和產品本身一樣重要。

閱讀更多: 致 DNVB 執行長的公開信(第 254 期)

在此處閱讀第 273 期的其餘部分。

由網路史密斯和梅根特威利格| 下午2點左右

No. 265: Can A DNVB Achieve Modern Luxury?

Om Malik and Lean Luxe‘s Paul Munford had a thought-provoking exchange. Does the modern luxury go-to Lean Luxe (and the industry as a whole) have a grasp on what luxury means in online retail? On its face, a physical product that makes itself available to the masses cannot be a luxury product.

Lean Luxe on Twitter

@om Sure, by the old definition of luxury – you’re correct. But don’t judge modern luxury brands’ bonafides using the old set of luxury rulebooks. More here: https://t.co/ZLjoBdxYUz and here: https://t.co/uHYOPzsI9n

There are very few products, if any, that digitally vertical native brands (DNVB) sell that would qualify as traditional luxury goods. Here is Munford’s definition:

The key strength of a modern luxury brand is its emphasis on the entire package, rather just the product (or logo) itself. It’s a different mode of operation that takes some getting used to, but it disperses with the conventions of the old, blingy version of luxury, and is best optimized for today’s new consumer behaviors and expectations.

The fact of the matter is that competing on product quality alone leaves a brand open to exposure. MLCs have smartly understood that a better overall package or bundle — in an open market like today’s — can be far more compelling to shoppers than just product alone can.

Lean Luxe

Munford makes an important point that I’d like to take a bit further. Lean Luxe tends to maintain a narrow focus on hard goods and the packaging that they arrive in. But what about the purchase process and the attentiveness to customer happiness? And what about time?

The definition of luxury: an inessential, desirable item that is expensive or difficult to obtain.

Luxury, however you define it, is a brand’s embodiment of characteristics that make it desirable. Historically, those characteristics have been more ‘What’ features like quality, exclusivity, and cost. You can still define luxury as characteristics that make a brand desirable, but those characteristics have shifted. Quality is table stakes.

使品牌更受歡迎的特點是"如何"功能,如優秀的客戶體驗(我如何體驗品牌)、有意義的品牌使命(他們如何回饋/改變)和社區參與。是藝術家創造的, 價格太貴嗎?也許不是但是,如果它是一個產品,甚至整個經驗,是非常可取的,它可以被認為是一個豪華的品牌。DNVB 恰好擁有強大的基礎設施,以支援定義現代奢侈品的特徵。

Luxury is always relative; it is loosely defined to meet the times and the market. If you walk through a great mall in the United States, you will visit brand experiences that will provide a luxurious taste. Take Ohio’s Easton Town Center as an example. The indoor / outdoor mall features Burberry, Tiffany and Co.,  and Louis Vuitton. However, your perception of luxury changes when you walk through the Bal Harbour Shops in North Miami Beach.  Bal Harbour is considered the finest mall in America. Both malls are considered “luxury” malls but neither are as luxurious as Dubai’s mall.

But can a DNVB be a luxury brand?

The notion of luxury is often applied to tech fashion brands. I partially agree with Om Malik’s statement here.

[Lean Luxe] is again confusing smoke / mirrors marketing and what is really luxury. All I know is that AllBirds and Brandless and Casper are not luxury, And no amount of your linguistic gymnastics will convince me of what is luxury, FWIW, LV is not luxury either. Too common.

AllBirds, Brandless, and Casper do not make luxury products but Munford isn’t suggesting that their products-alone are what classifies them within the modern luxury space.

Louis Vuitton was first hired as a personal box maker and packaging expert for the Empress of France. He was charged with “packing the most beautiful clothes in an exquisite way.” It was the practice that helped him to gain influence among the elite and royals, catapulting Louis Vuitton’s namesake to luxury status.

Louis Vuitton began with an early product and the two advantages commonly seen in the DNVB space:

  • Packaging
  • Maniacal focus on customers

The definition of a DNVB: a brand born online with a “maniacal” focus on the customer experience. A DNVB may start online but it often extends to a brick-and-mortar manifestation. Digitally native vertical brands control their own distribution.

Luxury brands don’t always begin as purveyors of luxury products. And due to a macroeconomic consumer shift from materialism to investing in luxury experiences, there are a large number of consumers who prefer DNVB’s luxury-experience over traditional luxury products. For many in the business and wealth classes, it’s a symbol that their money is better spent on even finer things than goods. The definition of luxury is changing.

Here are two relevant passages from 1994’s The Idea of Luxury:

Page 18


Page 35

Page 34

Buying experiences over buying consumer goods is a trend being adopted by the luxury-set. The interpretation of the word luxury means something altogether different for the types of customers who have the means and awareness to shop with DNVB brands. Skift’s latest research shows a clear shift in demand for more transformative travel experiences among upscale travelers (Skift / May 2, 2017). Whereas expensive products used to be the consumer desire: products, community, and service now play the role of enabling experience economy.


Many DNVB products (see the database here) are marketed to enable this type of consumer: Mizzen+Main (No. 86) is for the traveling business class male. Ministry (No. 91) is for the well-educated, urban millennial. AllBirds (No. 56) is worn by the business casual, aspiring member of the investor-class. Rogue (No. 8) turned a garage into a coveted space in a home.

Digitally vertical native brands are founded with these basic questions:

(1) How do we make a great product?

(2) How do we build a community around it?

(3) How do we provide an elegant solution for commerce?

(4) How do we enable customers to save time and focus on what matters?

“One fundamental trap that people run into when assessing the merits of a modern luxury brand is the tendency to judge that brand using the ‘best-in-class’ framework,” says Lean Luxe’s Paul Munford. Lean Luxe’s definition is mostly right. Munford discusses packaging as part of the bundle: “[These brands] offer a better bundle to offset [traditional definitions of luxury] — more convenience, transparency, connection, better messaging, pricing, etc.”

But a selection of modern luxury brands are also marketing time as part of the proverbial “bundle” and that’s the only place where Munford and my thoughts differ.


There may be no greater example of the community / product / service paradigm than Peloton, a DNVB that Malik’s True Ventures joined back in 2015.

Peloton is now shifting gears with a new financing program ($97 per month for 39 months for both the bike and subscription service), an ad campaign that’s more relatable to a diverse consumer base and an NBC Olympics sponsorship. Peloton counts NBCUniversal among its investors, and has raised nearly $450 million in total funding to date.

“We had this idea of a very affluent rider who many of our early adopters were,” she said. “We realized, through conversations with our community, that there was a huge opportunity with people who thought $2,000 was a huge investment but were [buying] it over and over again because the product is so important to them.”

How Peloton is Marketing Beyond the Rich

佩洛頓不是傳統的奢侈品,但它與傳統奢侈品牌共享消費者。想想容納一輛支援 wi-fi 的自行車或一台價值 4,000 美元的 VR 跑步機所需的生活安排類型。這是一個輝煌的硬體,將社區與產品和服務融為一體。該品牌的主張明確指出,目的是讓擁有者更專注於體驗。

Peloton’s value proposition is as much about what you can accomplish away from the treadmill. Why take the time to travel to a gym? That time could be better spent elsewhere. This is the mark of a modern luxury brand.


By Web Smith and Meghan Terwilliger | About 2PM



那麼,誰在微型品牌領域獲勝呢? 這是斯科特·貝爾斯基在最近一篇關於數位垂直本土品牌——微型品牌的攻擊》的文章中提出的一個問題。

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