

Joann King Herring sat across the living room, lively and engaging as ever. I was standing in her world. As a 16-year-old junior at Houston’s Jesuit Preparatory School, I was a lower middle-class outsider thrust into a world that I couldn’t fully grasp at the time. The geopolitical concerns of the 1980s were long past (or so we all believed at the time). But the 70-year-old socialite and philanthropist still carried herself as though she influenced foreign policy, and in the home of a mutual friend in Houston’s famed River Oaks area, Herring still held court. In a small corner of a major city, she was a titan that influenced outcomes a world over.

It was 1999 and, perhaps, the first time that I heard the phrase “arm the rebels.” Herring was a friend to a Texas Congressman named Charlie Wilson and four years after that meeting, their story, Charlie Wilson’s War, would be on the New York Times‘ best seller list [1] before getting turned into a major Hollywood motion picture in 2007. It was a tale about short-term success and long-term failure. It was about doing too little and doing too much. The film covered two American figures who lobbied the US government to fund a resistance against the then-USSR’s occupying forces in Afghanistan.

Now 90 years old, Joann and her friend Charlie armed the rebels over a 10-year event known as Operation Cyclone [2]. As the conflict came to a close, an official of one of the war’s affected countries would later tell the sitting US President, “You are creating a Frankenstein.” There is always an

But Herring and Wilson’s efforts worked over the short term. They armed the rebels and those rebels won. Whether or not the fruits of their labor had a net-positive or net-negative effect on global war and peace will be left to national security experts. The relevancy of this anecdote being used is simple: the act of “arming the rebels” maintained three components over that ten-year span from 1979 to 1989: (1) tools, (2) money, and (3) psychological support.

The rebels defeated a heavily-armed Russian military machine with American tools, American money, and the promise that they had the full support of the American government. This communicated to the opposing military that the money, the tools, and the rebellion would continue. The unbeatable army was beaten by endless supply, force, and psychological warfare.

Shopify and The Arming of The Rebels

Harley Finkelstein on Twitter: “Arming the rebels @Shopify-style, a 3 step guide:1. Create a network of fulfillment centers across America 🕸️2. Allow small businesses to leverage these centers 📦3. Add in robots 🤖Result: Affordable products shipped on a two day cycle to 99% of America. 💪 pic.twitter.com/a6KIptqsbm / Twitter”

Arming the rebels @Shopify-style, a 3 step guide:1. Create a network of fulfillment centers across America 🕸️2. Allow small businesses to leverage these centers 📦3. Add in robots 🤖Result: Affordable products shipped on a two day cycle to 99% of America. 💪 pic.twitter.com/a6KIptqsbm

Shopify has done a tremendous job executing on their corporate rallying cry: We arm the rebels. Having passed Ebay to become the second-largest eCommerce ecosystem in North America, Shopify has maintained that Amazon is next – an unbeatable army in its own right. Once known solely for its role in small cap eCommerce, Shopify now services financial processing, loans, fulfillment, hardware, and an ecosystem of developers at the beck and call of merchants who can afford their services.

Shopify exists to basically arm the rebels. We want a lot of people to go out and compete against Amazon.

Tobi Lütke, founder and CEO

But what happens when you execute on two components – the tools and the money – without the psychological support? The phrase “arming the rebels”, coined by Ruby on Rails creator David Hansson in reference to Shopify’s role in a densifying eCommerce landscape [3], has a hopeful ring to it. It implies that Shopify is punching upwards (it is). But Shopify will also need to punch downwards to maintain its position.

Shopify has investors excited because it is increasingly seen as the most likely challenger to Amazon’s ecommerce dominance. While many retailers, both traditional and online, have tried to tackle Amazon’s “everything store” head-on, Shopify has succeeded by arming individual merchants with the same technology and capabilities, but with more control. [4]

Shopify’s merchants have nearly every resource at their disposal except for one. The company is slow to champion the very brands that use their platform. Out of fear of coming off as partial, Shopify has thus far hesitated to provide the one advantage that could lock brands into their ecosystem for the long term. Yes, one of three components necessary to arm the rebels: psychological support.

The Big Game Ad That Wasn’t

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I waited, fruitlessly, for Shopify’s Super Bowl advertisement. I wanted the brand to discuss – in front of the biggest audience – its evolution over time: the agencies that its ecosystem has fostered, its move into financial technologies, the DTC Era that Shopify’s invention pioneered, and the robots that will eventually fill its 3PLs.

Shopify has armed the rebels by supplying some of them with the funds necessary to operate or expand. Now, it needs to influence the demand curve for the businesses on its platforms. Shopify needs to become an evangelist for its brands.

The phrase “arming the rebels” has a hopeful ring to it. It implies that Shopify is punching upwards (it is) but will also need to punch downwards to maintain its position.

When Squarespace’s Super Bowl ad premiered, it was enough of a threat to Shopify’s market position that the company’s corporate Twitter addressed their smaller competitor in a sequence of tweets that felt somewhat out of character. Shopify is currently trading at a $54 billion market cap; Squarespace remains orders of magnitude smaller, and private.

Shopify on Twitter: “Hey, @SquareSpace we believe in supporting independent businesses too! In fact, there are over 40 businesses in #WinonaMN that are on @Shopify. So we’re going to promote as many of them as possible during the #BigGame. #WelcometoWinona #SupportingIndependents pic.twitter.com/CPq8Ld6Pgl / Twitter”

Hey, @SquareSpace we believe in supporting independent businesses too! In fact, there are over 40 businesses in #WinonaMN that are on @Shopify. So we’re going to promote as many of them as possible during the #BigGame. #WelcometoWinona #SupportingIndependents pic.twitter.com/CPq8Ld6Pgl

Given the market position that Shopify has earned, it’s become clear that Lütke’s position on psychological support must change and it should have begun with Super Bowl LIV. Shopify’s promotional power could reduce insurgent competition while closing the gap with the incumbent company that it is challenging: Amazon. Shopify must evolve into its own marketplace. As customer acquisition costs rise for small-to-middle market retailers, Amazon has become a reasonable partner for retailers looking to increase top-of-funnel awareness. From 2PM‘s A Familiar Strategy:

Amazon is harvesting consumer data to become an efficient vertical reseller. The Amazon products will continue to have the preferred place on product pages. In this way, opposing marketers’ frustrations are founded. It may be true that external brands will continue to be penalized for competing against Amazon’s private labels. The Seattle eCommerce giant seems to be preparing for a day when their data harvesting practices – a process that has spawned countless private labels – will be called into question.

Lütke’s likely opposition to this idea is clear: By selecting brands or products to feature in a marketplace format, Shopify becomes a kingmaker of sorts. A kingmaker is a person or organization with great influence on the value of a candidate. This person or organization uses policy, finance, and competitive forces to influence succession. I contend that offering loans or advancements to merchants is another form of kingmaking. Now that Shopify has begun to market financial products, there is less of an argument to be made. 

Shopify’s moat has been discussed at length: Community and the partnership ecosystem are two buzz phrases that come to mind. But the Ottawa-based SaaS company has drawn the line at promoting the businesses that support the ecosystem; the company rarely pushes traffic and media attention to the companies growing within the ecosystem.

One of the three key resources for Operation Cyclone was psychological support. In the context of Shopify’s use of the phrase, the third resource is missing. If Shopify is comfortable defending its position against Squarespace by promoting independent retailers on Twitter, their management team should also feel comfortable supporting its own marketplace.

In December 2019, Shopify.com saw nearly 47 million visitors with over 40% of the traffic coming from the United States. While official numbers have yet to be reported, the Super Bowl was viewed by over 150 million people. Situated in this audience were potential consumers who may want to start their own company, developers who may want to build for Shopify, and consumers who may want to buy from Shopify.

Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Walmart, Hulu, Quibi, Verizon, and Squarespace shelled out fees to advertise during the big game. However – direct-to-consumer brands were noticeably absent, priced out by the exorbitant costs of doing business. Imagine a $5.7 million, 30-second advertisement that sent tens of millions of Americans to marketplace.shopify.com. When those potential customers, developers, and consumers arrive: they’d see a curation of Shopify’s greatest brands – new and old, established and fresh. Shopify wouldn’t have only gained new customers or partnership prospects. Shopify would have influenced the awareness, growth, and viability for a number of brands that are dependent on three key resources.

In a June 2013 report by the Foreign Press [5], Edward Luttwak lists the five rules for arming the rebels: (1) Figure out who your friends are (2) Be prepared to do all of the work (3) Don’t give away anything that you wouldn’t want back (4) Do not invite an equal and opposite reaction by a larger power and (5) Lay groundwork for the endgame. For Shopify, that endgame involves an emphasis on demand-side economics. For the companies that rely on Shopify’s increasing suite of tools, they must thrive to remain B2B users.

By the end of that evening in Houston in 1999, I conjured up the courage to ask Herring a question or two. I was wearing my nice blue blazer, that night, so I had more confidence than usual. We learned about Operation Cyclone from an alum of the school in one of our courses but it wasn’t yet a widely known story. So on that night, I felt privileged to speak with her before her answers would be honed by Madison Avenue public relations spinmasters. I asked Ms. Herring the type of simple question that a 16-year-old student would: “What did you learn from it all?” She replied with something to the effect of, “We should have given them more and faster. It all dragged on too long. We could have done 10 years’ work in three or four.”

When you arm the rebels, do whatever you can to make sure that they win. They’re fighting for their supplier as much as they’re fighting for their own well-being. After all, their war is now your war.

Read the No. 345 edition here.

Report by Web Smith, Edited by Hilary Milnes | About 2PM 


In the direct to consumer era, “last-click attribution” has overshadowed all marketing reason, it’s become the priority for data-driven marketers. With spend shifting to the bottom of the funnel: Facebook, Google, and now Amazon (FGA) are able to draft off of the contributions of top-funnel marketing channels. In turn, FGA is able to charge premiums for the tangible data that they can provide retailers. As a result, many brands miss the opportunity to reach customers more efficiently. Retail is overwhelmingly ignoring the middle of the funnel.

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DTC 增長效率並向前支付。 有一部關於HBO的相對較新的紀錄片,名為《 動量一代》。這部短片記錄了一群年輕的衝浪者,他們追求將自己的手藝貨幣化的夢想(轉為職業)。他們想成為職業選手的時候,美國人並沒有靠這項運動為生。紀錄片中有一個關鍵點,當衝浪者的母親之一表示,她感謝為年輕男子的莫特利船員提供非正式的住所。在她的家裡,他們不必擔心食物或屋頂在他們的頭上。這些安慰使他們能夠專注於磨練自己的能力和建立他們的觀眾。但它也提供了超大的商業機會,否則就不會存在。




有什麼意義?我們正進入一個在線消費主義的階段,這使得銷售、增長和有效留住客戶變得更加困難。成本上升,注意力範圍縮小。品牌經常忽略的一個解決方案是長尾和風險:儘早建立受眾。策劃一個社區, 然後賣給它。從第277期 - 法律100:

沒有一批強大的早期採用者,就無法有效地引起群眾的注意。前100是基礎。沒有百人的支持,群眾是不會採納的。 西蒙·西內克以創新理論的傳播而聞名 在別人先嘗試之前,大多數人不會嘗試某樣東西。品牌是由這個早期的多數來判斷的。

深入探討圍繞衝浪者的先驅群體的歇斯底裡,你可能會認識到,這部做得不錯的HBO紀錄片沒有1991年短片和1992年短片《動量》拍攝的令人難以置信的b卷和備用鏡頭是無法製作的。製作,拍攝,並指導的衝浪者自己 - 泰勒斯蒂爾,他想要一種方法來廣播的生活方式。斯蒂爾當時只有20歲。他早期的電影作品使他的一群朋友成為相對的明星。然後,代言交易、媒體合作和銷售機會緊隨其後。


奈斯塔特的意圖與沃霍爾的意圖大體相似,儘管隨著數字時代而更新。他哀歎, Nyc 沒有真正的社區為創作者, 坦率地說, 它確實有 "吸吮" 。然而,他的論點是,這並不是因為缺乏精力或創造力,而是因為缺乏中心位置,一個創造力中心。他希望368百老匯能填補這個空白。"如果,"他指著新購置的堡壘說,"這能成為所有創造者的空間呢?


品牌應考慮在其第一批產品上架之前很久啟動其媒體和社區運營。不管是否有意,368都是這麼做的。 368 由凱西·奈斯塔特和保羅·萊斯創立,是建設紐約市內外創意中心的新時代。憑藉精幹的電子商務總監和 無頭商務 能力 ,368 具有打造客戶獲取引擎的潛力。整個組織是為了系統化其社區成員的偶然性而建立的:它是創造、內容和(最終)商業的飛輪。 這是一個DTC領域的許多待業企業家應該觀察到的組織。

368 在推特上



貝姆 是奈斯塔特在 368之前的冒險。去年的這個時候,CNN和奈斯塔特決定分手,你可以在奈斯塔特的告別視頻中看到他臉上的痛苦。368 在貝姆總部現已解散的同一面牆內運營絕非巧合。奈斯塔特不是一個從心理挑戰中退縮的人。但是,對 368 進行大量投資的決定不僅僅是關於物理空間:空間是競爭、協作和社區的發源地。從我們最近的會員簡報, 樞軸到傳統

對於 DNVB 來說,將自己定位為規模,有助於擁有內置的受眾。考慮芬蒂美容(蕾哈娜的觀眾),凱莉化妝品(詹納的觀眾),時尚新星(卡迪B和1300萬Instagram追隨者)和格洛西耶(進入光澤)的成功。

368 可以複製直接消費行業前 30 個社區驅動品牌中的幾個成功經驗。上述品牌共有一個特點:它們是由個性和人際關係驅動的,而不是績效行銷。因此,付費行銷和廣告成本相對便宜,直接面向消費者零售商 ,如凱莉化妝品、芬蒂美容、時尚新星 格洛西耶 - DTC 品牌的幾大例子,這些品牌在沒有客戶購買成本飛漲 (CAC) 限制的情況下運行。

威爾遜 · 洪在推特上

DNVB的黃金時代已經結束。由先行者優勢 (即低廣告成本) 促使的低效率增長時代已經結束。廣告成本的上升將要求品牌專注於卓越的運營,以保持強勁的LTV:CAC比率,以維持增長。




"動量一代"的衝浪者的故事有點諷刺:他們沒想到他們的生活方式的欣賞會離開他們利基的界限。但內容優越,生活方式很吸引人,甚至對那些從不接觸衝浪板的人來說也是如此。在銷售產品、贊助或媒體交易之前,他們驗證了他們的品牌。一個偶然的觀察者也可以對奈斯塔特和他的 368 團隊說同樣的話。有一個 9000 萬美元 / 年的零售業務, 準備和等待存在。

早期 DTC 品牌在銷售第一款產品之前籌集 350 萬美元並不罕見。這些早期零售商往往處於隱秘模式長達一年,開發產品線,建立合作夥伴關係,並通過 金巷,旺德醬 紅安特勒等機構完善他們的在線品牌。

Savvier 品牌將藉此機會打造自己的內容、社區和動力飛輪。這樣,創始人就有機會直面電子商務時代的最大局限性之一。品牌不應 購買 受眾,而應考慮圍繞自身興趣和產品類別投資發展正宗的數字社區。這兩種選擇 - 付費 CAC 訴有機 CAC - 有其併發症;但向前支付它提供了可持續性、可預測性和有效的前進道路。

在這裡選擇第 300 號策劃

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